domingo, 30 de novembro de 2014

Nothing but a Mistake

Fuck life, I tried
And I failed, all this time
I’m nothing but a mistake,
That should never really be here
I’m just a bug in the system
A system that I will explode before I get out
For you won’t get rid of me, world
I will get rid of you instead
I picture a life, but I don’t deserve it
I’m gonna drown in my emptiness, it makes no difference
For I am already dead

I am just a bunch of broken pieces
Damaged beyond repair
I try to do it right
But it always go wrong
Because I am nothing but a mistake
I cannot be fixed, so I must be erased

Nothing of this should ever be, I should never be
I see the end is getting near, I don’t know why I’m still here
I must disappear
I’m just a mistake, I have no life, never had
I was born already dead
And all that I want, I don’t deserve any of that
So fuck it, enough  of tolerating my annoying presence
Enough of lying to myself, I must accept reality
I’m just a ghost in the machine,
A bug in the system,
I’m just not worthy of anything

So fuck it, why do I still fight
I will never have what I want
I can only see it in the distance
I cannot touch anything
I’m the ghost of Vincent Price
Reading tales told twice
I’m just Edward Scissorhands
Hidden in the basement of the Phantom of the Opera
Oh, how I despite myself
What kind of abomination am I?
Well, it does not matter
Soon I will be away forever

It’s not the world that is getting rid of me
I’m getting rid of the world
But specially I’m getting rid of myself
The mistake will be fixed, I’m almost done
Everything will fall into place
When I’m gone

I tried, I did my best
I tried, I fought, with all I had
Still I ended up dead
I’m such a fucking loser

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