quinta-feira, 31 de julho de 2014

It´s Just Life

You were born on a lame hospital and took your first breath,
Filling your lungs with our adorable toxic oxygen, then your father arrives smoking a cigarette
Your mother is pissed of because she never wanted you to get born in first place,
But don´t worry, she will never let you forget that you are nothing but a mistake
Take your first steps and learn your first words on a hostile environment
Ignored and neglected, resulting on a poor development
Enjoy some phony birthday parties arranged to make you think,
That someone actually cares about you
And you will try to believe it, because you want it to be truth
But there´s no need for drama, we all bleed, and it never cease
It´s just life

Grow up in poverty, surrounded by crime and violence
Constant fights around you in the decadent place you call home
So you turn to TV and the videogame
They replace your stole innocence,
And keep you away from all that nonsense,
Helping you to forget, and locking your mind in silence
And you keep on forgetting, until you forget about your own essence
You no longer know who you really are
But who cares, your mother is crying, and your father is chatting on some bar
You are already too numb and too cold
So you will just follow the tales you were told
And you will be automatic for so many time, no need to be dramatic
It´s just life

The streets, so many people
The families, so many people
The schools, so many people
But none of them give a damn, not even about themselves
Running in circles, bumping in the walls while chasing the light
It´s just life

Then you go to school, to get brainwashed by what they call education
Because you need to be programmed in order to serve the nation, you know?
You also need to make some friends, it´s easy, just do whatever they do, forget about yourself
Pretend you are stupid, If they find out you actually have a personality
The bullies and criminals will be out to get you, sojust follow the stream of morality
And don´t worry about it, it ends as fast as it starts, are you willing to fight?
It´s just life

Now you are a adult, or at least that´s what this thing called “Law” will tell you
So now you must show your skills, your qualities,
And that means making money, get a job, any crappy job
So you will be a valuable and respectful member of society, whatever that means
Even better If you get famous or get a degree
That´s the only way your parents will be proud of you,
Otherwise they will despite you to the bones no matter what you do

You also better get married and start a family
Because you are already nearly 30, years old oh no, already over 30?
And not even a boyfriend, a girlfriend?
You better hurry and find someone because people will start talking, you know
How come you are “Alone”? Man, you need a woman right now, woman, you need a man man, right now, are you gay, or are you just a freak?
It´s not their business, but still they won´t let you be
They need to live your life, because they already lost their own,
A long time ago, when they shaped themselves to fit in,
So now they have no life to live
Except the everyday tasks they were programmed to
Except the everyday patterns they were shaped into
And they will die in misery, in failure,
Without never even have lived at all
But before, they will still torture you and annoy you for many years
They need this, to hide ther own fears, you know?
So nevermind, there´s nothing to worry about
You were born already dead, it´s sad, but it does not matter
It won´t last forever, not like your pride
So just finish the line, with no expectations
Because in this race,there is no prize
It´s just life

The malls, so many people
The offices, so many people
The parties, so many people
The universities, so many people
And they all walk in circles, like fools, merely tools,
Bumping in the walls, while chasing for the light
Fully convinced that they are really alive
It´s pathetic, and a waste of time,
But don´t worry, it does not matter
It´s just life

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